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This collection of 32 messages on Biblical salvation, in two volumes, comes from the pulpit ministry of Pastor Eric H.H. Chang, which spanned several decades and was based mainly in Montreal, Canada. His messages have spoken power­fully to many in Canada and Asia, and are now made available to a wider audience.

Few Christians are able to expound salvation in any depth beyond familiar statements such as “We are justified by faith” or “For God so loved the world …” Although Biblical salvation is a vast subject, its full compass can be delin­eated by the three main elements of salvation as we find them in the Bible: regeneration, renewal, and perfection (Christ-likeness). Not only do these terms lend them­selves to biblically accur­ate systematization, they are concepts thoroughly rooted in the teachings of Jesus and Paul.

In this work, Chang expounds the rich aspects of salvation in a style that is both homiletic and expository. The result is a presentation that is lucid and personal, yet also technical and exegetical. It is suitable for Christians and non-Christians, lay people and church leaders alike. An undercur­rent of hope permeates this work, reflecting a pastor’s concern that all may arrive at a spiritual breakthrough in their Christian lives.

This work is uncompromising in its adherence to Scripture, and does not hesitate to question any doctrine, whether from church tradition or contemporary Christianity, that is not rooted in biblical teaching. However, the tone is not dogmatic or combat­ive, but irenic, open-minded, and intellectually engaging. I am confident that it will foster a systematic and biblically-based grasp of salvation.

This second edition is a refinement of the original edition of 2004. It has a smoother flow of writing achieved mainly by removing the repeti­tion that is natural and desirable in preaching, but is not needed in writ­ing. It also incorporates Eric Chang’s mature reassess­ment of certain biblical and theological themes. The book is now divided into two print volumes for easier reading.

In June 2010, Eric Chang gave me full freedom to revise the second edition of this work, just as he had previously given me full freedom to work on the first edition right up to the penultimate draft.

For this second edition, I express my heartfelt gratitude to Winston Lam, my friend and brother for four decades. He proofread the manu­script, and made numerous helpful suggestions related to grammar and style. My deepest thanks also to Pastor Bruce Lyon of Ottawa for his constant encouragement, and for expressing the hope that this revised edition will see the light of day for the benefit of God’s people.

It is our hope and confidence that this work will fulfill the goal that its author, Eric Chang, had always had for his books: the glory of God and the edification of God’s people in Jesus Christ.

Bentley C.F. Chan (Editor)

October 29, 2019

(c) 2021 Christian Disciples Church