I am extremely grateful to my Heavenly Father for granting me salvation and giving me the new life in Christ. There is no greater privilege and joy than to be a servant of God.
I want to thank Pastor Bentley C.F. Chan for his professional guidance and the many hours of tireless work, from formatting, proofreading, editing, designing the front cover, compiling the Scripture index, to finally getting the manuscript ready for publication. It is with great joy that I have this opportunity to co-work with Bentley closely in bringing this book to reality. I’ve known Bentley since 1981 and we both joined the Fifth Team Full-Time training in 1989. After the training, we have been serving in different churches without any opportunity to co-work together until now, 30+ years later. I am particularly grateful for his readiness to share his insights into the more difficult Bible passages as they have helped sharpen my thinking. His diligence, attention to detail, suggestions, support, and constant encouragement on the manuscript are deeply appreciated. May God bless him and his wife in their ministry.
I would also like to thank many coworkers, pastors, brothers and sisters, and fellow teammates in different parts of the world for their involvement in proofreading and for giving me invaluable feedback. Many sacrificially spent countless hours checking the accuracy of the Bible references and statistics. Much appreciation is also due to those who graciously helped me with their computer skills (our hard disks crashed more than once in the process of writing this book!). May the Lord reward these precious ones deeply for their faithful prayers and labor in God’s love.
I am profoundly grateful to Raymond, my husband, for his friendship and partnership in the Gospel in the last 40 years. I thank him for the endless hours we patiently sat in front of the computer to go over each word of the manuscript to make sure they are worded effectively. Thank you, my love. May God’s Name be glorified in our humble service to Him and His people.
After the book was first published in August 2021, many people around the world took a special interest in this work. By the Lord’s grace, they find great value in the book for the reason that such a vital subject as Calling on the name of the Lord for salvation is scarcely found in the Christian circles. Special thanks go to many pastors and coworkers who have taken the time to contact me with their positive and invaluable feedback. After giving careful consideration to different responses and after calling on the Lord, I am inspired to release this second edition within half a year. Some points have been restructured to give more clarity to the presentation. Further attention is given to Joel chapter 3 to make the exposition fuller. The final prophecies of Joel point to the coming Kingdom. Calling on the name of the Lord has a broader vision that goes beyond a personal salvation. A person who truly calls on the name of YHWH will be preoccupied with God and His Kingdom. I am indeed grateful to coworkers who have been working hard to get this book translated into other languages. May God’s Name be proclaimed in all corners of the world. May God use this book for His own glory to bring many to salvation in His Name.
(c) 2021 Christian Disciples Church